Call for Papers

VMV is Germany’s premier scientific venue for research in Visual Computing. Although different in terminology and formalism, Vision, Modeling, and Visualization are symbiotic disciplines that profit from synergies between jointly encountered problems and developed technologies. VMV offers researchers the opportunity to discuss a wide range of different topics within an open, international, and interdisciplinary environment.

Paper submissions are solicited from any area of computer graphics, computer vision, visualization and related fields. As in previous years, the proceedings will be published in cooperation with Eurographics and archived in the EG Digital Library.

Authors are encouraged to submit their original research results, practice and experience reports, or novel applications. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:



Visualization and Interactive Interfaces

Computer Vision and Image Processing

Applications of/for Visual Computing

How To Submit Your Paper

Contributors are invited to submit papers of up to 8 pages length in the EG publication style. Longer papers are expected to make additional contributions. The review process will be double-blind. Accepted papers have to be presented at the symposium. Publication style file and further details can be found on the conference website: t.b.a.

Important Dates

t.b.a. Abstract registration deadline
t.b.a. Technical Paper submission deadline
t.b.a. Acceptance notification
t.b.a. Camera ready version
Sept. 29 - Oct. 1 Conference
All deadlines are 23:59 GMT on the date indicated.

Conference Venue

Theaterplatz 1
91054 Erlangen, Germany

General Chairs

Bernhard Egger
Tobias Günther
Marc Stamminger
Tim Weyrich

Program Chairs

Bernhard Egger
Tobias Günther